Saturday, June 5, 2010

Spring wrap-up

What a whirlwind the last few months have been! My nesting instinct kicked in hard and heavy, so I have spent every bit of energy I can muster on cleaning, organizing, painting, cooking, researching, and just generally preparing for our little guy, who is due to arrive sometime within the next couple of weeks. This pregnancy has just flown by! Just thought I'd share a few photos of our last few months:

Owen made a Q with his ketchup at lunch one day...he was quite proud. March 2010

Flying kites and laughing it up with Dylan at the park. March 2010

Gran, Pop, and Mimi came to visit for Easter. Think someone might be a little spoiled? April 2010

Mad Scientist at the Adventure Science Center, May 2010

My sweet boy on Mother's Day...he made me a card and got me a new summer robe. Perfect!
It's hard to believe that soon we will be joined by a new little life and Owen will be a big brother. Can't wait to see what life has in store for us as a family of four!

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