I caved. After balking at our pediatrician's suggestion to go ahead and introduce rice cereal into Ben's diet, today I caved.......
The past severals days, Ben has been a little fussier than usual. I didn't know if it was due to the shots he was given at his appointment Thursday or if he really might not be getting full enough on milk alone. So today, we fixed up a little bowl of cereal and gave it a whirl. Ben spit out at least 90% of what I fed him. Mikey, he doesn't like it! Or not yet, at least, which is actually fine with me. I know it takes a little getting used to, so we'll keep offering it to him once a day. Guess my baby is going to just grow on up whether I'm ready or not!
you have done such a good job updating! Ben is so sweet!
Thanks, Genny! It's my first month to post more than once since August. Maybe I'm making a comeback? :)
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