Richie and I went today for our first ultrasound for Baby #2. It was a surprise, really, that we got to have one this extensive this early. Doctors usually wait for anatomy-related ultrasounds until 20 weeks. As of today, I am roughly 17 weeks along...almost halfway there! Whoa! After talking with our new (and amazing) nurse-midwife Linda about genetic screening options at our appointment on Wednesday, we decided to skip the blood tests (mainly since the one I would be taking has a 15-20% false positive rate) and wait for an anatomy ultrasound. We were shocked that Linda was going to go ahead and get us scheduled
this week for an ultrasound in lieu of the blood tests. We both got our hopes up that, even though it was still a little early, we would be able to find out if Baby #2 is a boy or girl.
I barely slept a wink last night and arrived at the imaging clinic a ball of nerves--not nervous nerves, just really, really excited. We spent about 30 minutes taking an amazing tour of the little area in my belly that our new baby calls home. We were relieved to hear that at this stage, nothing unusual showed up on the ultrasound. And we found out that our little one is a BOY, which I suspected all along! Here are a 2D and 3D shot of our sweet fella. His little body doesn't have any fat on it yet, so he's a bit lanky looking, but we have definitely fallen in love at first sight!

Now...what to name the little guy???
oh how cool! so very excited for you!
so excited for you guys. I totally forgot you were ahead of me. what's your due date? very close to mine i think. congrats! we picked our names before we were even trying to get pregnant. can't wait to hear more from you!
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