Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow storm and wedding hair

Here in Nashville, the weather man had us all worked up over a massive arctic storm heading our way. It was going to start last night and continue throughout the day today. School was canceled. Roads were brined, salted, and brined again. We made a plan for how we would both work since Owen's preschool would surely be canceled. You don't even want to know about the mayhem that took place at gas stations and grocery stores as the masses prepared for the Great Snow of 2010.

I woke up this morning at 5:30 in a panic. Would I even be able to get out of the driveway??? I nervously peeked through the blinds to survey the beginnings of this terrible blizzard.

No snow.
Not even frost on the windshield.

Don't get me wrong--we eventually got our storm. See below...hopefully you can spot Owen in spite of the massive accumulation of snow in our backyard this evening:

Yeah. In the weather man's defense, getting around this afternoon was a bit dicey. There were random patches of ice on some of the side streets, and, as usual, people were driving like idiots. I saw 5 cars on the side of the road that had either tried to go up or down a steep ice-covered hill. Good grief!

Once we were safe inside our blizzard shelter, Owen decided to make my hair pretty so that I could get married. When I explained to him that I was married to Daddy already, he acted like I had heard him wrong--my hair-do was for my party, not to get married. Sheesh, mama! After about 10 minutes of "styling" I thought it might be best to feel the back of my head to see what exactly this hair-do entailed, other than a lot of very uncomforable hair pulling. Unfortunately, the pain of having small chunks of hair randomly pulled by a 4 year old paled in comparison to the agony of removing the party style from my hair...

That would be one gigantic knot. Ouch. But thanks anyway, buddy! :)

1 comment:

Callie said...

hehe...nice styling Owen! loving your posts Anna!